Holiday Savings Start Here!
We are offering special deals, free products, and valuable gifts for all our customers between now and Jan 21st, 2023. To guarantee the maximum savings on your order, please contact us by phone, email, or live chat. Alternatively, by simply shopping on our site between now and Jan 21st 2023, you will qualify for the following FREE* bonus items, depending on your purchase:
For Mini BioMat Purchase, you are eligible for your choice of:
NMN Octa (1 Bottle) ($120 Value)
Detoxi Bamboo Salt (1 Bottle) ($100 Value)
For BioMat Professional Purchase, you are eligible for your choice of:
Amethyst Pillow ($380 Value)
Aroma Stand ($200 Value)
NMN Octa (3 Bottles) ($270 value)
For any $2000+ purchase, you are eligible for your choice of:
Quantum Energy Pad (Pro Size) ($480 value)
Germanium Power Pad (Pro Size) ($150 value)
NMN Octa (4 Bottles) ($390 value)
* The bonus item is free. The customer is responsible only for paying shipping and handling on the item. This offer takes the form of a coupon, sent via email, about 1-2 weeks after the order is placed. The customer will need to fill out the coupon to claim the gift.