


Sale price$18.22

TRANSFORMATION flower essence blend by Dr. Chris Lipat, hand crafted by Essence Alchemy. For self empowerment and releasing that which no longer serves. May apply to Solar Plexus and Soul Star Chakras. With water, alcohol, red columbine, brodiaea, bog asphodel, geranium nodosum, yellow archangel, san pedro cactus, and lehua essences. For oral and topical use.

Transformation Elixir, contains Red Columbine, which turns unworthiness and low self esteem born from trauma into healthy self-regard. Yellow Archangel and Lehua fuels divinely-supported positive action. Bog Asphodel clears negative influences and emotional cords so that we may reclaim our personal power and sovereignty. Brodiaea restores inner strength lost due to burnout. Geranium Nodosum brings lightness and optimism to those releasing the need to carry others’ burdens. San Pedro Cactus compels us to break codependent tendencies and cleanses karma. Metatron on the label accentuates the power of this formula to bring us into divine right balance of self knowing and self possession in relationship to others.

*Third in the set of six elixirs.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.